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Keep Kids Motivated with These 3 Suggestions for Distance Learning

Image for Keep Kids Motivated with These 3 Suggestions for Distance Learning

If your child is still engaging in distance learning, you may be at a loss, when it comes to teaching them like, well, a teacher. Couple this with the fact that your apartment home is a far different environment than a classroom, and it’s completely understandable if you’re having trouble making homeschooling work for your child. However, there are a few strategies parents can adopt if they want to make learning from home more successful for their child. Here are a few ideas based upon expert recommendations.

Create an ideal learning space.

As someone who is likely also working from home during the pandemic, you are probably well-aware that your apartment has limitations when it comes to providing your child with the perfect space to learn from home. This makes it crucial that you set up a learning space, however small, within your home, where your child can focus their attention and pretend that they’re back at school. Try personalizing the space with child-selected artwork or furnishings and keep all the typical school materials (like pencils and notebooks) on hand. Doing so will help your child feel comfortable in their new learning space and will likely want to use it more.

Establish rules and goals and stick to them.

Expectations are everything when it comes to keeping your child on track with their online education. What’s more, according to some experts, kids are more likely to follow the rules when they have a say in what the rules are. Our point? Establish rules and goals with your child before committing to them. For example, you might make a deal with your teenager that they aren’t allowed to scroll social media feeds while in an online class. Or, you might tell your elementary school-aged child that you’ll give them only two reminders to stay in their learning space. Then, stick to the rules yourself. This is important to remember since parents can sometimes break their own rules when dealing directly with their children.

Try to stay positive.

Coronavirus hasn’t been easy for anyone to get through, and for parents, these new demands can sometimes feel completely overwhelming. However, parents must remember that children look to them to learn how to deal with uncomfortable or new situations, and if you display pessimism or negativity at every turn, you can bet that your child will begin to model your behavior. So, be sure to stay as positive as you can during this challenging time and motivate your child to adopt a similar mindset. Help them get excited about distance learning, and you’ll have an easier time motivating them to do well at school.

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